
Last week, LiftMetrix launched our latest blog series to recap our recent webinar: “2016 in Review and Social Trends for 2017”. The previous post in this series addressed how the Media Publishing industry, Hospitality industry and Services Industry created social campaigns to drive business objectives in 2016. Those posts can be viewed by visiting our blog or by clicking here.

In the final installment of this series, we will analyze how brands in the Financial Services industry have successfully driven business objectives through their social strategies, particularly on Twitter. In this segment, we featured American Express and MasterCard.

2016 was a year we saw companies within the financial services industry do a great job using social to accomplish their business objectives. Some of the best practices used on Twitter to accomplish business objectives include custom hashtags, media accompanied by links to site and partner mentions.

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Twitters own research shows that the use of hashtags in a post can lead to 50% more user engagement for brands and that 45% of users who saw brand mentions from the brand source took an action on that tweet.

To understand how brands are using these best practices to drive social goals and business objectives we took a look at American Express and MasterCard.

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American Express maximize their social presence on Twitter by including custom hashtags, links to site and tagging celebrities or partners. In this case American Express used all these practices to promote the upcoming world tour of Ariana Grande with special card holder access.

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Once on the American Express site users can buy tickets, sign up for credit cards or redeem membership rewards. They do a great job optimizing their social posts and site to drive business objectives. Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 12.33.51 PM

MasterCard on the other hand does not feature as many best practices in their social posts. As seen below the company uses twitters tagging feature to tag their partnership with Office Depot but they lack custom hashtags and links to site.


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When visiting th site for the partnership between the two brands users can Shop Now, Sign Up Here or Redeem rewards. This helps maximize the brands objectives of increasing page views, purchases, card sign ups, rewards, app downloads and email sign ups. 

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MasterCard and American Express both use their social presence on Twitter to accomplish their business objectives. Including custom hashtag campaigns and links can help maximize your social strategy to achieve your companies goals.

You can download the “2016 in Review and Social Trends for 2017” presentation by clicking here, or you can view the presentation recording by clicking here.


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Posted by Morgan