Top Reasons to use LiftMetrix with Social Publishing Tools

Take the guesswork out of social publishing with LiftMetrix customized plans.

Specific Recommendations

Discover your optimal frequency for posts and how many videos, photos and links you should post per day.

Track Individual Posts and Test Content

Track social engagement and impressions from individual posts and run A/B tests of headlines, photos and more.

Track More Than Just Likes, Shares and Retweets

Measure the ROI on your social media campaigns in dollars and identify your most highly engaged users.

Hight Targeted Ad Campaigns

Create a customized list of followers who have engaged with your page and buy ads directly against them.

Know Your Competition

Discover keywords trending among the competition in real-time and benchmark against their engagement rates.

Seamless Comprehensive Reporting

Deliver the C-level suite reports of Facebook, Twitter & other social analytics accompanied by an intelligent narrative.